  • Beach House Embroidery Sewing Kit

Beach House Embroidery Sewing Kit


17 in stock



Beach Huts Embroidery Kit – A quality sewing kit to make a seaside scene applique picture, complete with an embroidery hoop.

Stitch your own embroidery hoop decoration of a seaside scene, based on the beautiful Beach Huts in Southwold Suffolk. Quick and easy to make you don't need to be an expert stitcher to get great results. The doodle stitch technique relies on your stitches all being different lengths and at different angles so no pressure at all to be neat or exact. It is actually really relaxing to just stitch where ever you feel like it. This project can be entirely hand sewn or part machine stitched and is easily completed in an evening or two. This kit is perfect for beginners as most of the coverage is achieved with applique pieces and just a small amount of simple embroidery is added.

Additional information

Weight163 g


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